Thursday 20 February 2014

Final day ...

After a perfectly adequate breakfast, although when compared to my last two 'hostel' breakfasts it seemed rather meagre (!), I left the b&b and promptly returned to the porch as the light drizzle I'd wandered into required at least my Marmot Precip jacket. Five minutes down the road the intensity of the rain increased and it was clear I needed to fully suit up, so out came the Berghaus Deluge trousers. There's a climb out from Ogbourne up onto the ridge and it wasn't long before the rain stopped and I was able to remove my jacket.

However this wasn't to last too long, as just before I reached the ridge it was obvious that another squall was about to hit me, so before it did it was off with my fleece and on with the jacket, timed perfectly as a few minutes later came the heaviest (and last) rain I'd had to date. Half an hour later though the sun was out, and looked like it was here to stay so it was waterproofs off again.

Today was only a short walk as I was being picked up by another daughter at 2pm, so not long before I was able to see the finish, just at the end of this track

Sign at the beginning (the end for me) of the Ridgeway

Well that's it. Ridgeway completed East to West. Now I just have to wait to be collected.


I'm glad I did it but would I do it again? Probably not. Whereas the Pennine Way draws me back the Ridgeway doesn't, and I found nothing along the route that was really a 'wow' factor. For those not wishing to walk the full 88 miles I much preferred the 'original' Ridgeway between Overton Hill and Streatley, as it was more of a ridge walk compared to the part between Streatley and Beacon Hill.

I was lucky with the weather, 2 hours wearing waterproofs in 6 days given the recent weather was far better than I'd expected.

Overall the route is well maintained and although some sections currently are a tad muddy, most of it is well maintained and offers good safe walking.

There are few convenient rest stops along the route, so anyone doing it should be prepared to either carry snacks etc for lunch, or simply skip it.


  1. Good stuff, I slightly suspected that the West end might be the nicer bit. I look forward to the photos and details.

  2. Thanks for the blog, nice to see the photos of the route to bring back a few memories! I have fond memories of the Ridgeway, especially the west end, Kites (lots and lots of Kites) and the finish at Ivinghoe Beacon. Not the best route, and I would agree that it's not one I would do again. You must have finished the walk a couple of inches taller because of the chalk!

  3. Photos and details worth the wait. One day (when my sprogs get bigger) I hope to do it myself.
